EllieSweet Hands * Sentuhan Eiliyamaniss

Friday 13 September 2013

Kek Marble Strawberry/Coklat *

Smlm se hari suntok driving dari pagi sampai nak ke ptg dari satu kedai baking ke satu kedai baking.
Banyak project cari barang2 keperluan mana cucu nak besday , sedara mara,kawan2 mintak tolong bikin kan kek la,cupcake la ,hantaran pertunangan la mcm2 kite memang suka tolong menolong org ta sampai hati nak menolak kalo org mintak tolong konfom buat Nye .
Dah stock sume bahan2 & barang2..mane ada yg belen2 raya kemaren..jadi mental block ta tau ape nak buat..terpandang stoberry paste ,stoberry emulco..mak ai banyak lagi benda nie ..raya lepas bikin kan adek & kawan ,jiran.. marble stoberry & coklat..hati pon berdetik why not bake for myself anak2 pon slalu tnye ibu bile nak buat kek nie lagi for our family arhh ?? asek bikin kan org jer..!! buat sekali je dulu ,resipi ni dapt bila blogwalk kat ..yateasybake  dulu..pas tu terus melekat di hati..texture kek nie mampat.sedap,gebu dn lembab ..love at first bite terus jadi keeper la. Kite CP kan resipi if ada sape2 nak try .

Kek Marble Strawberry/Coklat
Inspirasi: Yateasybake.

5 eggs
40ml water
10g ovallet
1 T strawberry paste
1 T chocolate paste
210 Hong Kong flour
55g plain flour
200g butter (softened)
1 t baking powder
250g castor sugar (1 reduced it to 210gm pasal paste2 tu manis)

Combine all ingredients (except butter and the 2 pastes) in a mixer and beat till well combined and thick
Add softened butter and mix till well combined.
Divide into 3 portions ( leave 1 plain)
Add strawberry & chocolate paste into each of the 2 bowls
'Marbled' the 3 portions depending on yr creativity into a 10x7x3" pan ( I use 8 "pan)
Bake for 45 mins at 150C
Hingga bertemu di lain siaran..:))

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