EllieSweet Hands * Sentuhan Eiliyamaniss

Friday 13 September 2013

Kek Marble Strawberry/Coklat *

Smlm se hari suntok driving dari pagi sampai nak ke ptg dari satu kedai baking ke satu kedai baking.
Banyak project cari barang2 keperluan mana cucu nak besday , sedara mara,kawan2 mintak tolong bikin kan kek la,cupcake la ,hantaran pertunangan la mcm2 kite memang suka tolong menolong org ta sampai hati nak menolak kalo org mintak tolong konfom buat Nye .
Dah stock sume bahan2 & barang2..mane ada yg belen2 raya kemaren..jadi mental block ta tau ape nak buat..terpandang stoberry paste ,stoberry emulco..mak ai banyak lagi benda nie ..raya lepas bikin kan adek & kawan ,jiran.. marble stoberry & coklat..hati pon berdetik why not bake for myself anak2 pon slalu tnye ibu bile nak buat kek nie lagi for our family arhh ?? asek bikin kan org jer..!! buat sekali je dulu ,resipi ni dapt bila blogwalk kat ..yateasybake  dulu..pas tu terus melekat di hati..texture kek nie mampat.sedap,gebu dn lembab ..love at first bite terus jadi keeper la. Kite CP kan resipi if ada sape2 nak try .

Kek Marble Strawberry/Coklat
Inspirasi: Yateasybake.

5 eggs
40ml water
10g ovallet
1 T strawberry paste
1 T chocolate paste
210 Hong Kong flour
55g plain flour
200g butter (softened)
1 t baking powder
250g castor sugar (1 reduced it to 210gm pasal paste2 tu manis)

Combine all ingredients (except butter and the 2 pastes) in a mixer and beat till well combined and thick
Add softened butter and mix till well combined.
Divide into 3 portions ( leave 1 plain)
Add strawberry & chocolate paste into each of the 2 bowls
'Marbled' the 3 portions depending on yr creativity into a 10x7x3" pan ( I use 8 "pan)
Bake for 45 mins at 150C
Hingga bertemu di lain siaran..:))

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Kpak Bing bingg **

Da menjelang akhir tahun ni..banyak la.. sangat musim perkahwinan ,ni yg Sabtu lepas majlis walimatul urus  anak saudara suami kite yg lelaki .Kite postkan buat tatapan santai je..sudi tengok ta sudi ta pe la saja nak buat kenangan .
Haaa. nie la mempelai Nye begambar selepas da batal ayer sembahyang..:)) upacara nikah di rumah pengantin pompuan .
Yg Pelamin kaler kuning tu kat rmh pengantin pompuan.
Majlis hari minggu bertandang ke rmh pengantin pompuan..excited Nye dier da dapt bini ..:))
Pengantin bersanding..di atas pelamin...happy la tuu..:))
Saat bertandang ke rmh pengantin Lelaki .
Bersanding kat tmpt pengantin lelaki pulak.
Keluarga pengantin lelaki abang ipar & biras kite.baju.theme kaler anak branak purple..sedondon giteww..happy family *
Semoga mereka bahagia & kekal abadi hingga ke-akhir hayat.. THE END !

Friday 6 September 2013

Ermmm ***

Semua food handlers even if homebase harus menjalani kursus nie kalau tak nnti kena fine dah tertaluk pada undang2..kite pon kena amek this course..kot2 pegawai NEA dtg rmh ..aah jawab kau..!!Kursus satu hari suntuk frm 9am-8pm dgn ujian theory & practical...haizzz..menguji kesabaran pulak tu.!

Haa..kau!!! Alhamdulillah nasib baik Pass ,..tak  kena keep on retake sampai la pass..nie la yg the relevant authorities nak..law by law food..handlers..or whatever you name it ..don't play2 ar..its not a monkey business..terms & condition apply law by law !

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Last min lagi**

Bday Kek Coklat biasa salutkan fondan solekkan dgn bunga siap sedia ada..tapi yg calla lilies & small roses tu memang kita buat sendiri.pakai gumpaste...quite a number simpan buat stock kot2 last min order ...slalu-nyer last min..haizzz..**
nasib barang ada stock..kalau ta da jawab kau...!!..Ta pe la favour..kesian..kan kalo ta bole tolong apa pulak..:)))
Ini pakai royal icing -kite buat simpan buat stock jugak.

Friday 30 August 2013

Baldu merah lagi..**

Baldu merah lagi ..jiran satu kawasan perumahan mintak bikin kan ..tang RVC nie bnyk sngt versi2 nya..mcm2 olahan resipi Nye , kite stick ngan resipi nie je ... so far so gd.
***Post gambar2 kek kite ta la sehebat mana ta da props2 pon.. al~maklum pakai Hp je..ada camera Nikon/Olympus/Sony smua da innalillah so ta pakai lagi .Hp lagi handy ..snap..snap here & there ..kite pon bukan jurufoto..tapi dulu zaman skola CCA ada amek photography ta amalkan so da lost touch teknik2 nye da lupeh..:)))))
  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 Tablespoons unsweetened, cocoa powder
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1-2 oz. red food coloring
  • 1 teaspoon of white distilled vinegar
  • ½ cup of prepared plain hot coffee (don’t skip this ingredient)
  • Instructions
  1. Preheat oven to 325.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder, cocoa powder and salt. Set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, combine the sugar and vegetable oil.
  4. Mix in the eggs, buttermilk, vanilla and red food coloring until combined.
  5. Stir in the coffee and white vinegar.
  6. Combine the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients a little at time, mixing after each addition, just until combined.
  7. Generously grease and flour two round cake pans (9inch) with shortening and flour.
  8. Pour the batter evenly into each pan.
  9. Bake in the middle rack for 30-40 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Do not over bake as cake will continue to cook as it cools.
  10. Let cool on a cooling rack until the pans are warm to the touch.
  11. Slide a knife or offset spatula around the inside of the pans to loosen the cake from the pan.
  12. Remove the cakes from the pan and let them cool.
  13. Frost the cake with cream cheese frosting when the cakes have cooled completely.
    Cream Cheese Frosting 
  • 2 (8 oz) packs cream cheese, softened
  • ¼ cup milk, made need more
  • 1 stick butter, softened
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  1. Add softened cream cheese into large bowl.
  2. Pour in milk, butter and vanilla extract.
  3. Mix until well combined.
  4. Pour in half of the powdered sugar.
  5. Mix until combined.
  6. Add the remaining powdered sugar.
  7. Mix until smooth and fluffy.
  8. Use a spatula to scrape down the side of the bowl if needed.

Al-kisah kwang kwang...kwangg**

Al-kisah tercipta blog nie ..teruja la sangat kite ngan..food bloggers2 yg creative & handal mondal..so many of them very talented & very inspiring !!.
Selalu jugak blogwalking ke blog2 mereka ..memberi banyak inspirasi pd diri kite so kite pon bukak la satu bukan ape niat hati penoh keikhlasan nak berkongsi ilmu & creativity yg Allah kurniakan..lagi pon apa salah nya ..ta sampai ke-mana pon ..ta bawak mati la nie smua nak sorok2,nak berahsia2..nak lokek ilmu..its not my forte !!..zaman super canggih nie..anyone overnight can become a cook,baker..cef..with internet..googled..je..macam2 adaaa.. you just name it okehh..!! so senang kan..! Kalau nak cakap pasal masak..memasak kite umur 10thn da kena blajar masak oleh arwah ibu ,menjaja berjualan kueh smua sudah..the rest is history..tu la  diri kite yg sebenar ! Abis skola kerja,pas tu berumah bertangga.Alhamdulillah skrang kite da pencen..got so much time asah balek air tangan kite ..upgrade my skill yg tergendala akibat sibok bercareer & membesarkan anak2.Skrang anak2 da besau ada da berumahtangga dan kite pon da ada 2 cucu pompuan.Buat pekara2 nie pon to pass the time & tolong la hamba2 Allah yg mintak tlg buat tu buat nie..:)) ..dudok rmh santai2 pon nanti otak mendak..,mental block..kite nie jenis woman on the go jugak..ta bole dudok diam..ada saja pekara yg nak buat..tu la nie la..yg paling bahagia Hub sebab kite sentiasa ada kat sisi dia..dulu maseh keje ,serumah kadang ta jumpa pon bcos I keje odd hrs.Those times was the worst ..time of my life Alhamdulillah..now I should say I am at my comfort zone .

Ahhh.. nie la diri kite ..nak nonjol sangat pon...malu la maklum usia da 55sen....haahaaa !!! dulu2 ...glamour uuuu !!:)))))))

Thursday 29 August 2013

Saja2 je...***

Ini Kek 3tiered fondant bikin semasa hari pernikahan anak pompuan kite seblum bulan puasa kemaren  bernikah ,dia mintak bikin kek 3 tingkat saja2 je untok photoshoot..actually majlis kecilan je its family affair ..buat kat pejabat nikah yg hadir family Nye pihak lelaki anak beranak  dgn kite anak beranak ..in sha Allah majlis bersanding akan berlangsung akhir bulan October nie di - restn Lagoon Sari.

Ini la Pengantin Nye..In Sha Allah hari bersanding nnti kite post kan gambar2 Nye.> .nie ..ngah stress dia mintak bikin Kek 5tingkat...fuyooh..!! very the too much Nye dier...very the manja..la !!

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Nutella Roll**

Sana sini rmh terbuka blum abis2 lagi..seng2 lengan lagi.. ni ada lah hamba Allah mintak buatkan..kata untuk rmah tebuka hujung minggu nie..kite ni jenis yg ta sampai hati la..asal org bukak
mulut mintak tolong jarang nak tolak..kesian la kan...nie resipi dulu2 lama blajar that time roll kek ngah hot..kite sharekan resipi nya..ada sapa2 nak try cuba la..no harm what ...sapa nak amek & try  my pleasure..kite jenis ta suka sorok2 or nak showy2 so long uall ada kemahuan & minat go ahead..try & try  membaking nie pon satu kepakaran..jugak so why not share da nama nya berblogging...blogging is sharing, sharing is caring..ceh bah.!!mcm...bagus gituuu....uuu..:)))

Nutella Roll
Sumber : Sifu

14 biji kuning telur [sejuk masok dlm peti ais]
4biji putih telur  sejuk
150gm gula kaster
110 tepung Hong Kong - ayak
20gm tepung jagung - ayak
1sudu teh baking powder
1sudu mkn ovalette  [pecahkan2 dulu dlm mixer]
1sudu teh esen vanilla atau coffee oil
170gm mentega cair

*pewarna coklat -coffe atau coklat emulco
 Nutella untok fillings bole jugak guna buttercream atau jem/kaya,apa2 filling yg di sukai

1) Pukul semua bahan di atas hingga Gebu, bila dah gebu baru masokkan mentega cair,esen vanilla/coffee oil - gaul hingga rata.
2)3 sudu mkn adunan di campurkan pewarna coklat isi dlm piping bag [untok buat corak di atas nya ]
3)Tuang adunan plain dlm Loyang swiss roll  >>  7x10x1 inci [satu Loyang dlm 160/165 gm adunan]
4)Paipkan corak coklat di atas nya - ikut citarasa sendiri nak corakan kek
5)Bakar pd suhu 200C selama 20min - atau [ikut perangai oven masing2]
6)Setelah sejuk sapukan cream & gulung.

Coklat/Nutella Coffee Cream

250gm butter sejuk
90gm gula icing
1sudu mkn nugotin atau nutella
1sudu teh instant cofeee pwdr [I used moccona]
1sudu besar air hangat
70gm susu cair
1/2 sudu teh esen vanilla/coffee emulco

1)Campurkan coffee pdwr & air hangat sejukan
2)Pukul mentega dan gula icing hingga sebati masukan Nutella atau nugotin, coffee dan susu cair > masuk sikit2
3)Pukul hingga rata - siap bole sapukan pada kek & gulung  - masuk dlm peti ais kasi roll kek mampat.
*kalau masuk dlm freezer kek roll ni boleh tahan lama.
Selamat mencuba ...:))))))) !!



RVC dgn Cream Cheese Frosting- tempahan .

Monday 26 August 2013

Bday Lagi...

Bday lagi..tempahan demi tempahan....jalan terusss....Alhamdulillah..da rezeki Allah Nak bagi ..ni Chocolate Mud Cake .Kite Salutkan dgn Choc buttercream je pas tu solekan kan dia dgn bebunga..yg sedia ada..:)) .Ni resepi cake yg kite gunakan nak share silakan.
Chocolate Mud Cake
Source : from Marie Claire Kitchen and Nigella Kitchen
  • 250g butter
  • 200g dark chocolate
  • 375ml strong coffee
  • 450g caster sugar
  • 175g plain flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 2 free-range eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 125ml water
  • 30g dark brown sugar
  • 175g unsalted butter, cubed
  • 300g good-quality dark chocolate, finely chopped
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C fan-forced and grease and line a 25cm springform tin.
  2. In a small saucepan, melt the butter, chocolate and coffee over low heat, stirring, until the chocolate has dissolved.
  3. Add the sugar to the pot and stir it in until it has dissolved too.
  4. Pour the mixture into a heat-proof bowl.
  5. Sift the flour, cocoa and baking powder over the top and whisk them into the liquid then whisk in the eggs then the vanilla.
  6. Once everything is combined, pour the batter into the cake tin.
  7. Bake the cake for 1 hour or until a cake tester inserted in the middle comes out clean.
  8. Leave the cake to cool completely in the tin.
  1. Put the water, 30g dark sugar and 175g butter in a pan over a low heat to melt.
  2. When the mixture begins to bubble, take the pan off the heat and add the chopped chocolate, swirling the pan so all the chocolate is heated.
  3. Leave it for a minute or two and then whisk until the icing turns smooth and glossy.
  4. Leave it for 1-3 hours and whisk every 20-30 minutes until it is thick.
  5. When the cake has cooled spread it with the fudge icing

Saturday 24 August 2013

Another Bday request !!!

Moist Chocolate Cake with Choc ganache & Chcocolate /white Chcocolate Toppings. Last Min Bday thingy..!!.luckily theres always ever ready baking stuffs/stocks at hme ....pheww  !!

Chocolate Mud Cake ~ Couple Theme

2tiered Fondant ~ Chocolate Mud Cake ~ Couple Theme ..Njoy ..:)))

Friday 23 August 2013

B'Day Treats !

A last min  Birthday Treat ~ Baked with love for dearie nephew - 5 inch Moist Chocolate Cake with Chocolate buttercream.

Thursday 18 July 2013

My stress buster...> Baking **

It's never too late to change career paths in order to follow your dreams. And, remember don't let your limitations compromise your ambitions. !! Working from home gives me flexibility. Baking is also a great stress buster.!! when you do what you love the most, then it does not feel like that you are working ....!!
Salam Ramadhan to all :))

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Kek Tapak Kuda

Lepas solat subuh tadi tertiba lak nak buta roll Tapak Kuda..kuatkan semangat keletihan.. terus selongkar dapur...wah!! smua bahan ada dan cukup apo..lagi sengseng lengan...DIY....project pon di laksanakan dapat la dlm dua Loyang ...ni resipi standard siapa lagi kalo bukan dari Puan Aini Salim..resipi yg sangat fohfuler... Siapa yg berhajat nak buat kite sharekan reispi nya....Enjozz:))
Tapak Kuda

10 biji kuning telur
5 biji putih telur
225g gula castor
110g tepung gandum atau tepung halus [ saya guna Hong Kong flour]
10g susu tepung atau tepung aiskrim vanilla
1 sudu makan rata penstabil (ovalette)
1 sudu teh esen vanila
1/2 sudu teh serbuk penaik
135ml mentega cair
1 sudu teh chocolate emulco
coklat nutella atau pes kacang hazel

Cara :
1. Satukan telur, gula dan penstabil, lalu pukul perlahan hingga naik dan pekat. Masukkan tepung, susu dan serbuk penaik. Pukul lagi hingga rata.
2. Masukkan mentega cair dan esen vanila, kacau rata.
3. Ambil 5senduk adonan dan masukan perasa Coklat ,kacau hinga sebati,baki adonan plain masukan
dalam piping lebeh senang untuk menutup adonan coklat.
4. Sediakan 2 Loyang 10X10 alas dgn kertas & sapu dgn mentega,tuangkan adonan coklat ratakan di dlm Loyang lepas tu bole la picitkan adonan plain sejalur2 sehingga menutupi adonan coklat.
5. Bakar pada suhu 180c selama  20/25min terpulang pada suhu oven masing2 mine was 25mins
6. Setelah masak keluarkan kek sejukan seketika saja...if lama sngt nnti susah nak lipatkan dia ,potong sekeliling,sapukan nutella atau pes hazel di atas lapisan coklat ,potong dua dan lipatkan kek tu.
7.Bungkus  kemas2 dan simpan dalam peti sejuk.
Sumber : Puan Aini Salim.

Selamat Berbuka *

Untok Iftar hari ini masakan simple campak2 je.. Mee goreng basah2 baru kick !! kalau goreng tak basah famili tak doyan nak makan ...selamat berbuka smua :)))

Monday 15 July 2013

Common Mistake In Ramadan !

 Eating too much:

Some people stuff themselves at Suhoor until they are ready to burst, because they think this is the way to not feel hungry during the day and some people eat at Iftaar, like there is no tomorrow, trying to ‘make up for the food missed’. However, this is completely against the Sunnah. Moderation is the key to everything.
The Prophet (Sal Allahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach; for the son of Adam a few mouthfuls are sufficient to keep his back straight. If you must fill it, then one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for air.” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajah).

Too much food distracts a person from many deeds of obedience and worship, makes him lazy and also makes the heart heedless. If you can continue to control the stomach during iftaar also, then you have succeeded in fasting.
Source:Islam For Kids.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Salam Ramadan **

2nd wk of my class assignment ...despite fasting I managed to finished bef time...phewww!!..I started to scold my myself why I signed up for this sugarcrafting  class...so challenging it really test my patience...nevertheless when I see the ends results....I'm very happy , I made a right choice finally.... :)) !!

Sunday 7 July 2013

Last Min request ...!!

Nikah Ocassion the very last min request by my DIL friend chocolate cake fondant ..requested on Thu ,baked & prepared it on Fri ..Sat morning was ready for the occasion...phewww !!

Happy Sunday !

Baked these colored chocolate chip cookies for tea treats today.Ermm...so addictive and yummy will bookmark for Eid..;))

Friday 5 July 2013

Back to Class !

My Sugarcrafts class has resumed ermm....sigh..sigh..!! so many class projects and need to focus on this at the moment ..I just have to do it and make it work.Nxt wk is Ramadan and we will start our fasting.Ramadan is always been a busy mth for me and frm that wk onwards I'll be super busy goin through another defying gravity moment...nevertheless I hope things will be smooth as I had planned.
My Class assingement I am glad I managed to finished on time :))

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Kesayangan Ku

Blog ini di cipta khusus untuk si cilik ni cucu kesayangan ku...satt lagi bila dia da pandai mengetext kmputer bole le dia berblogging..buat masa skrang ajak dia berjinak2 dulu ..tak padan kecik punya citarasa hobby orang dewasa..membaking..!! Terasehh !! Don't play play..:))


Tuesday 2 July 2013

Sentuhan Eiliyamaniss

Ini lah dia si Eiliyamaniss

Usia -nya baru 3thn setengah da Nampak tanda2 nak jadi Bakerella..cilik..gemar ke dapur ada saja yang nak di buat nya..ni baru abis membaking muffin pisang Dora the Explorer sosok cartun kegemaraan dia..:))
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